Console Vs PC
February 3, 2022 L.C.S
When it comes to gaming, what’s better between consoles and pc? Which do you prefer?
PC and console gamers both want the most for their money, but what does that look like? That
answer can be measured based on what you are looking for. If you choose a console, the costs
are commonly restricted to buying the console, controllers, the games themselves, and maybe
online multiplayer passes. If you choose a PC, there is a large variety of options to purchase if
you decide to build your own computer. Let me note that not every PC gamer has the machine
that they built themselves.
Which is more cost-efficient? There is such a broad diversity of possibilities and
differences in value, which makes it impossible to say either Consoles or PCs are more cost-
efficient. It will come down to the person in question. Your budget will decide the level of
customization and performance you’re looking for with your platform.
Consoles are easy to use. They don’t require upgrades. They make things easier for
multiplayer with friends who also have consoles. They are commonly cheaper. Their usage of
wireless controllers allows you to have a more dynamic experience when playing your games.
The biggest advantage that Consoles have is that they are easy. You purchase the console, you
purchase a game, you plug it in and you play. It’s as easy as breathing. People want convenience.
PCs have many advantages over Consoles, at the cost of a more intricate path to
everything. With the PC, you have to build the PC (unless you buy a gaming PC), then comes the
troubleshooting issues, which then leads to configuring the game to run at the desired level, and
then doing maintenance on the computer to match the specs. Consoles are already on a fixed
setting, but that is not the domain of PCs. Consoles can be just as affordable as Consoles, “PC
gaming is the most affordable it’s ever been—and for a lot of people it’s also the best value for a
multitude of reasons.” (Dingman. 2017) At the end of the day though, it really depends on who
you are as a player.
Hayden Dingman. PCWorld. November 3, 2017. 9 reasons why PC gaming is a better value than